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International Conference on Nanotechnology & Materials Science (NanoMat-2024)

International Conference on Nanotechnology & Materials Science (NanoMat-2024)

The 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology & Materials Science will occur in Paris, France, November 25-27, 2024. This event is an ideal forum to motivate ideas, create collaborations, and discuss the newest discoveries in nanotechnology and materials science.

Many famous experts and researchers from all over the world, such as nano-bio designers, nano-bioengineers, business bio entrepreneurs, etc., participate in this event that can nourish the conference discussions on different topics, like synthesis of multifunctional nanoparticles and coatings and thin film deposition for various applications, such as metal oxide gas sensors, biomedicine, solar cells, energy harvesting materials to generate solutions to the fields’ challenges.

Some of Vac Coat Products

Sputter Coaters

Carbon Coaters

SEM Coaters


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