DSCR-300 New Customize Desk SEM Coater
Vac Coat Company, one of the market leaders in coating systems, is pleased to announce a new customize Desk SEM Coater with a 300 mm diameter vacuum chamber which is suitable for SEM sample preparation and Micro & Nanoelectronic.
For your larger samples and routine lab work:
Desk Sputter & Carbon Coater, DSCR-300, is a reliable thin film deposition solution that will pay back your investment smoothly. The DSCR-300 has a larger chamber, ideally suited for coating a single large diameter specimen up to 6″ (150 mm) or multiple smaller samples over a similar diameter.
This recently updated device is designed due to optimizing demanding performance, for maximum ease of use, productive research and efficient lab work. The DSCR-300 updates the highly successful DSCR series, like its predecessor (which is used by hundreds of EM laboratories around the world), has been developed to provide both Sputtering and Carbon Evaporation, with the ability of large sample. Vac Coat launches this latest product with two separate heads in May 2021.
The DSCR-300 with 3 or 4 inch water-cooled magnetron cathodes has included clear visibility of the smart 7” colored touchscreen interface, easy access for changing coating inserts, and sample stages. DSCR-300, Desk Sputter & Carbon Coater-300, offers users to store information of the last 300 coating processes. Moreover, the water-cooled magnetrons allow for unlimited sputtering time, making it suitable for the deposition of thick and thin layers.
One of its advantages is the low price compared to the other models that are equipped with turbomolecular pump. Young and energetic researchers take the opportunity to use this new generation of coating equipment for their various research and their scientific results would be VacCoat Company’s honor. To discover more details about this advancement and the other products, you can refer to the Vac Coat’s site.