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AVS70 (American Vacuum Society) International Symposium

AVS70 (American Vacuum Society) International Symposium

AVS70 International Symposium and Exhibition will be held on November 3-8, 2024, at Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, FL, USA. The main theme of this event, which is sponsored by the American Vacuum Society (AVS), is “Innovating Sustainability: Next Generation Energy and Quantum Devices and Their Characterization”, in which cutting-edge issues related to materials, processing, and interfaces will be discussed among the research and manufacturing communities.

During the event week, an extensive exhibition of equipment, materials, services, and new technologies will be held in parallel.

Various topics will be focused on in AVS70, including:

  • 2D Materials
  • Advanced Surface Engineering, Involving Plasma-Assisted Surface Modification and Deposition Processes/ Nanostructured and Multifunctional Coatings as Sputter-Deposited Thin Films
  • Multifunctional Coatings
  • Applied Surface Science and Chemical Processes at Surfaces
  • Atomic Scale Processing, embracing Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition by Sputtering, CVD, and Other Methods
  • Biomaterial Interfaces
  • Chemical Analysis and Imaging of Interfaces
  • Electronic Materials and Photonics
  • Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures
  • MEMS and NEMS, comprising RF and Magnetic MEMS
  • Nanoscale Science & Technology for imaging at the nanoscale including electron microscopy
  • Plasma Science and Technology, involving Plasma Processes for Thin films and Coatings
  • Quantum Science and Technology, with a focus on Vacuum Systems for Quantum Applications
  • Surface Science: Chemistry and Characterization
  • Thin Films for Microelectronics and green applications, such as green fuels and photovoltaics
  • Vacuum Technology, including History, Measurement, Leaks, and Material Outgassing

Some of Vac Coat Products

Sputter Coaters

Carbon Coaters

SEM Coaters


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