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DST2-TG Newly Designed Target Holder: Mag Holder

DST2-TG Newly Designed Target Holder, Mag holder TM

DST2-TG Newly Designed Target Holder, Mag HolderTM

Vac Coat has designed a new target holder for the desktop sputter coater and thermal evaporator suitable for glovebox, model DST2-TG, for easy access to the target and to facilitate target manipulation inside the glovebox.

The mag holderTM designed by Vac Coat for the DST2-TG sputter coating system improves the target connection to the cathode, enhancing heat transfer and target lifetime. The mag holderTM fastens the target to the magnetron cathode with a magnetic force, no need to extra screws.

Vac Coat Product DST2-TG With rack With Glove Box

DST2-TG is one of the Vac Coat multi-purpose vacuum coating systems that is designed to fit into a glovebox for highly sensitive thin film applications, such as lithium-ion battery fabrication. DST3 triple cathode sputter coater is another Vac Coat advanced coating device for research purposes supporting co-sputtering and alloying. This vacuum coater can be supplied with thermal evaporator, named DST3-T.

Vac Coat also manufactures variety of desk vacuum coaters as SEM coaters for electron microscope sample preparation, such as benchtop automatic low and high-vacuum carbon coaters, DCR and DCT, thermal evaporators, DTE and DTT, and low and high-vacuum sputter coaters for noble and oxidizing metals sputtering, DSR1 and DST1, respectively.

Moreover, Vac Coat multiple coaters, enables different coating techniques within a single compact coating system, such as low and high-vacuum sputter and carbon coaters, DSCR and DSCT, where the latter can be equipped with a thermal evaporation head, named model DSCT-T.

Some of Vac Coat Products

Sputter Coaters

Carbon Coaters



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