Device Update: Full Automatic Carbon Fiber Coater

Vac Coat carbon coaters now are presented in a fully automatic version, able to follow the programmed deposition process automatically.

A repeatable, reliable coating procedure is vital for every research work, so as to maintain a steady-state thin film deposition to obtain the best results. A programmed full-automatic coating guarantees avoiding any human error during the process, producing the same coating in each coating sequence.

Furthermore, carbon fiber coating is one of the most common methods in SEM sample preparation for making the sample surface conductive. This coating needs to be reproducible to provide the same carbon layer on different samples for verified comparison. This is also favorable in a typical coating of the TEM grids with a thin layer of carbon.

Vac Coat always tends to improve its devices and services to meet the needs of its valuable customers. Vac Coat DCR and DCT low and high-vacuum carbon coaters, the hybrid coating systems DSCR, DSCT, and DSCT-T are now presented with the ability to do full-automatic carbon fiber coating. Now, the automatic carbon coating mode of Vac Coat carbon fiber coaters enables the user to coat the samples with a thin carbon film in a highly controlled manner.

Some of Vac Coat Products

Carbon Coaters

Sputter/Carbon Coaters

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