Vac Coat New Agreement in Italy

Vac Coat Collaboration Agreement with Media System Lab in Italy

Vac Coat Ltd. has extended its sales market in Italy through a new collaboration agreement with Media System Lab. Vac Coat’s new distributor is a renowned provider of electron microscopy and sample characterization systems and services throughout Italy and Europe.

Media System Lab srl.

Media System Lab srl. can provide essential equipment for an electron microscopy laboratory, from the instruments for SEM sample preparation to the electron microscope systems. Media System Lab srl. also hosts system demos and training courses with the latest generation equipment and tools.

Vac Coat Company

Vac Coat desk vacuum coating instruments are widely known for their precise function and reliable operation, resulting in high-quality thin film deposition.

Vac Coat Co. offers sputter coaters and carbon coaters working under low or high vacuum with various optional facilities, like glow discharge plasma, substrate heater, rotatory or planetary sample stages, etc., for an advanced deposition process.

Sputter coaters can contain single (DST1), double (DST2-TG), or triple (DST3) cathodes, based on the selected model.

Vac Coat carbon coaters can be provided with lids containing carbon rod or triple fiber holders. Vac Coat thermal evaporators are supplied with single (DTE) or triple source holders (DTT).

Some of Vac Coat Products

Sputter Coaters

Vac Coat Product DST1-170 | High Vacuum Desk Sputter Coater | Single Magnetron Target Sputter Coater
Vac Coat Product DST2-TG With rack With Glove Box


VAC DTE product Square
Desk Thermal Evaporator - DTT Three Shot Framed | VacCoat Product

SEM Coaters

Desk Sputter and Carbon Coater – DSCR Three Shot Grey Framed | VacCoat Product
Vac DSCT Three shots Square without frame without baffle valve

Carbon Coaters

Desk Carbon Coater – DCR | SEM Coater | Vacuum Coating System
VacCoat - Vac Coat New Agreement in Italy

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