Vac Coat 100 mm Multi-Pin SEM Stub Holder

Vac Coat SEM coaters now can be supplied with a 100 mm multi-pin holder for up to 45×12.7 mm SEM stubs as an optional feature. The multi-pin stub holder can help to enhance sample preparation for SEM faster and more conveniently.

You can watch 100 mm multi-pin stub holder rotation in this video.

Vac Coat 4-Inch Multi-Pin SEM Stub Holder
Vac Coat 100 mm Multi-Pin SEM Stub Holder with Gearbox
Vac Coat 100 mm Multi-Pin SEM Stub Holder with Gearbox
Vac Coat 4-Inch Multi-Pin SEM Stub Holder with Chamber

Coating the samples with a thin conductive film is an essential step in sample preparation for electron microscopy that has many advantages like preventing charge build-up on the sample surface.

Vac Coat previously supplied the vacuum coaters with small chamber, like DSR1, DST1-170, DSCR, and DSCT, with a 60 mm Dia. sample holder stage that near 16×12.7 mm dia. stubs could fit into. Now, Vac Coat provides 100 mm Dia. sample holder rotatory stage with an gear offset box that can hold 45×12.7 mm dia. stubs to be deposited subsequently. Rotary sample stages can help to deposit a uniform layer on the specimen, and the gearbox supports precise positioning of 100 mm holder that enables thin film thickness monitoring.

SEM stubs have different sizes and shapes to satisfy the best coating conditions for SEM samples. The samples fixed on the stubs are placed on the multi-pin sample holder stage inside the SEM coaters, including sputter coaters, carbon coaters, or thermal evaporators, to be coated with a thin layer of a suitable conductive material, like Au, Ag, Cr, Ir, W, Carbon, etc.

Stub Pins for SEM Stub Holder
Vac Coat 4-Inch Multi-Pin SEM Stub Holder – SEM Coater
Vac Coat offers low and high vacuum SEM coaters for SEM/TEM sample preparation, such as DSR1 and DST1 sputter coaters, DCR and DCT carbon coaters, DTE thermal evaporator, DSCR and DSCT combined sputter and carbon coaters, and DSCT-T triple coater that enables sputtering, carbon coating, and thermal evaporation workflow.

Some of Vac Coat Products

Sputter Coaters

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Carbon Coaters

VacCoat - Vac Coat 100 mm Multi-Pin SEM Stub Holder

SEM Coaters

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