Japanese Meiwafosis Co. has joined the Vac Coat worldwide distribution network
We are pleased to announced the news of a new collaboration between Vac Coat Ltd. and Japanese Meiwafosis. We have signed an exclusive sales representative agreement with Meiwafosis Co. to promote Vac Coat Ltd. products in the Japanese markets.
Vac Coat Ltd. products have been supplied to many universities and scientific research centers around the world. Vac Coat Ltd. vacuum coating systems meet high quality standards and with its highly competitive prices and excellent after sale services, has been able to expanded rapidly and capture a large segment of the thin film coating markets across the world.
Vac Coat Ltd. advanced marketing program, which has been promoted through its strong worldwide distribution networks. The company offers strong support to its distribution centers and continuously expands its distribution networks around the world.
Japanese Meiwafosis Company
Meiwafosis Co. is a reputable Japanese based company founded in Tokyo in 1968. Meiwafosis is a main market player in the Japanese scientific equipment markets.
Japanese Meiwafosis Company
Vac Coat Ltd.
The products of Vac Coat Ltd. include vacuum deposition systems using physical vapor deposition (PVD) method. The systems deposits different layers with thickness of around 1 nanometer to a few micrometers on the different substrate by different PVD techniques such as: sputtering, thermal evaporation deposition and pulsed laser deposition (PLD), layers with a thickness of a few nanometers to a few micrometers on the substrate.
Vacuum deposition systems have many applications in nanotechnology, solar cells, microelectronics, optics, medical and etc. The mechanism of the systems are based are on deposition method, ultimate pressure, number of cathodes and power supplies in different models such as: Desk Sputter Coaters models (DSR1, DST3, DST1), Desk Carbon Coaters (DCR, DCT), Desk Sputter and Carbon Coaters (DSCT, DSCR), Desk Thermal Evaporator (DTT) and Pulsed Laser Deposition System (PLD).
For further information about VacCoat Ltd. or our vacuum deposition systems, please visit the Vac Coat website.